Welcome to my page :)
I am a postdoctoral researcher at ASTRON or the Netherlands institute of Radio Astronomy in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands. I work with Prof. dr. Jason Hessels and the Astroflash research group to uncover not-so-fast radio transients with LOFAR. I received my PhD from West Virginia University in December 2024, where I worked with Prof. Sarah Burke-Spolaor on the thesis titled The Search, The Localization, and the Characterization: Fast Radio Transients. I am also a part of the realfast collaboration at the Very Large Array (VLA). My research focuses on searching for fast radio transients in both time- and imaging-domain data, localizing, characterizing, and figuring out where they came from, what produces them and how we can use them to study the Universe.
You can see my publications here or on the Publications Tab on the top right.
I was born and brought up in a small southern Indian State called Kerala, where I did my schooling till 12th grade. Driven by my passion for Physics, I moved to a little town called Pondicherry, about 550 km from my hometown, to pursue a 5-year Integrated M.Sc in Physics. Pondicherry is a union territory of India and is a coastal town which was once a French colony.
My family was supportive throughout every step of my life, and I consider myself lucky for that. I want to use my privilege to raise awareness among underprivileged people about the importance of education and financial independence, especially among women.
As Linus Pauling once said, “The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw the bad ones away”.